Glossary | Lien Filing in USA
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Lien Filing in the United States
Lien filing in the United States is quite different than filing a lien in Canada. Have you provided work, materials, labor, etc. to a jobsite in the United States? Fortunately, Lien-Pro has a solution for Canadian companies that need lien filing in the US.
For Canadian companies searching and filing liens in the US we highly recommend the company, Lien Research Corp. They have been in business for 24 years and Lien Research provides a vast assortment of services that can help you searching and filing liens in the US.
Lien Research has an established US Nationwide Network that allows them keep accurate and current lien law information in almost all of the 50 states. They can take care of your Notices, Liens and Public Works Claims in the United States.
In addition their people are experienced professionals with a deep knowledge base and their contact info is:
Lien Research Corp. .
P.O. BOX 3409, Arlington, WA 98223
Toll-Free: 800-446-4978
Phone: 425-252-6641