Accounts Receivable Automation with PCM Pro Subscription Plans

PCM Corp offers four levels of Pro Subscription Plans (Basic, Standard, Advanced & Elite), all with full accounts receivable automation that would include your own logo and branding.

The automation of repetitive tasks is almost always a win for any business, and accounts receivable tasks are no exception. When considering which accounts receivable tasks to automate, we recommend tasks that are vital to your business, but are of “low interest” to your staff and credit managers, such as reminder email communications.

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Reminder Emails

When an invoice becomes past due, credit staff usually reach out via email to ask for payment. These emails are easy enough to send, but due to the repetitive nature, they don’t always get completed, and if they are completed, it is usually well past the due date, which holds up your cash flow.

Automated Letter Series

The PCM PRO Plan system was developed by a focus group of Certified Credit Professionals to create an accounts receivable automation software tool that consistently follows company credit policy. PCM PRO automates sending electronic past-due reminders for every invoice in your system.

The tool provides a series of four branded email communications to your client.

First Email Notice – The first past due email is a simple reminder on your company letterhead, reminding your customer that the invoice is past due.

Second Email Notice – Should the same invoice remain past due by the next ageing bucket (ex. 30-60-90 days), then a second, more firmly worded demand for payment is sent electronically to your customer.

Third & Fourth Email Notices – Should the same invoice remain outstanding by the next two ageing cycles, then two more email communications are sent to your customer, but this time, on Priority Credit Management letterhead demanding that full payment be remitted to your office immediately.

By eliminating these “low personal interest” but “high corporate value” tasks, your credit staff can focus on high leverage activities and leave the boring, yet vital follow-up process to PCM PRO’s accounts receivable automation software service.

PCM PRO is not like any other SaaS (software as a service). We back it up with our lien and debt collection divisions, allowing you to take decisive action very quickly. At the click of a button, our accounts receivable automation tool allows you to:

Automate Electronic Reminders
Send Collection Agency Demand Letters
Track Lien Filing Deadlines
And Send Customers To Collections

Priority Credit Management Corp supports our automated accounts receivable management software with tangible services to fully support your efforts to receive outstanding payments.

We Are Here to Help!

Along with our Pro Subscription Plans for accounts receivable automation, PCM Corp also offers Accounts Receivable Outsourcing Solutions.

Since 2005, we have been helping Canadian businesses of every size and in every sector to better manage their accounts receivable and protect their cash flow.

To learn more, please call us at 1-866-766-9195, contact us online or click here to schedule a demo today.