Personalized Credit Control Manager Training

One-on-one credit control manager training is best suited for a single-person credit department or as a professional development opportunity for an individual on your credit team.

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Are You A Single-Person Credit Department?

As a single-person credit department, you will face the entire spectrum of processes and issues that inevitably occur in the ordinary course of business. Training can include some or all of the following credit control activities:

Particular attention will be paid to credit collection calls and how to prepare to make a call, negotiation techniques, and follow up processes.

As an added benefit, PCM Corp can add a 60-day free helpline, where students can call with questions during their next two billing cycles (assuming your credit terms are 30 days.) Specific issues may occur while performing their work, and it is of some comfort knowing that the student can reach out to PCM Corp as a resource.

We also offer webinar training that focuses on specific topics.

Custom Credit Manager Training Programs

During credit control manager training, PCM Corp will do a complete review of you or your staff member’s role within your organization, as well as consideration of cross-training options. Once we understand the individual’s position, we can then create a training module or modules that focus on your team member’s specific needs or wants.

A Safe Environment to Grow and Learn Professionally

One-on-one credit control manager training provides practical hands-on learning that your employee can use immediately in their work. It is a safe environment where employees can open up about their concerns or apprehensions.

They will receive the training they require to enable them to feel confident and competent in their managerial role with your company. You can find additional information about credit controller responsibilities and duties here, on this page.

Ask Us About Credit Control Manager Training

At Priority Credit Management Corp, we have seen first-hand how credit training can have a transformational impact on individuals, teams, and companies as a whole. Participants who complete PCM Corp’s credit control training programs receive a full-colour certificate suitable for framing.

Reach out to one of our training team members to find out if one-to-one manager training might be a good fit for you or someone on your team.

We can be reached at 1-866-766-9195, or contact us online.