PCM Corp Elite Pro Subscription Plans
Home / PCM Corp Elite Pro Subscription Plans
If you have more than five people managing your receivables, then this system is for you. The customized on-premise training your staff will receive can be put to work as soon as they get back to their desks, with the new skills often saving your company the subscription price for the whole year! Our system will act as a credit assistant, dedicating 100% of its time to the management of your accounts receivable. Deadlines for liens and limitation periods will never get missed, and reminders for payment will get sent. With a discount on pre-credit and collection fees as well as access to our Construction Package, a database of companies assigned for collection, and dedicated Customer Success Manager providing quarterly receivable health check-ups, you will be well armed with the tools and knowledge to help you succeed.
PCM offers short videos of various credit and collection subjects from which clients can choose. It is an excellent way to provide credit training and professional development that helps your bottom line.
Let our highly trained credit team objectively review your Credit Policy and Processes for enhancement opportunities. Technology, processes, and market forces change all the time. PCM will take a look from outside your organization and offer suggestions for your consideration.
Missed deadlines are missed opportunities. Events like promised payment, Builders’ Liens, Statute of Limitations, service of Garnishments, court dates, and many more can be tracked using this exclusive tool. “Set and forget” reminders prompt you to take action for optimal receivable management performance.
Is Our Elite Credit Control Plan Right for You?
PCM Corp offers 4 levels of Pro Subscription Credit Control Plans plus 2 add-on packages including Self Lien Filing and Pro Lien Filing.
Our dedicated credit and collections team is committed to providing your organization with the support and tools you need for continued success.
Our Elite Credit Control Plan is your best option your company requires 5 or more staff to manage your receivables.
To inquire about our Elite Credit Control Plan, please call PCM Corp Toll Free at 866-206-1629 or Purchase now.
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