Increasing Cash Flow with Automated Collections

In this PCM Corp post we want to take a look at debt collection automated vs phone calls.

In this technology-driven world, automated collections through text messages and email campaigns are commonplace when following up with slow-paying customers.

Some forward-thinking companies have incorporated a Chatbot for common questions while others employ artificial intelligence, directing customer inquiries to the right operator within the company.

All these tools work up to a point; however, if your customer is willfully ignoring your communications through automated collections, the receivable will age out to the point where other strategies must be employed.

Enter the Old School Telephone

If we compare debt collection automated vs phone calls, when faced with the option of physically calling customers for money, creditors have two choices:

  1. Hire and manage a team
  2. Or contract debt recovery to a qualified vendor

Hire & Manage A Team

Developing a team of credit analysts to make calls and collect your money gives you a sense of control. You can hear their calls. The staff is trained as ambassadors for your company and you have a direct “ear” to your customers. You also have the human resource issues that go with staff such as lease space, training, professional development, and vacation pay accruals.

Contract Debt Recovery to a Qualified Vendor

The second option for telephone contact is to engage a team of professional negotiators who have access to highly sophisticated contact management tools. You only pay when their services are required and engagements are scalable based on your workload.

If contracting out your customer contact campaigns, we suggest monitoring performance indicators such as:

  • Dollars recovered
  • Customer complaints
  • Customer service issues discovered
  • Service issues resolved
  • And client satisfaction scores

Professional credit management firms are highly motivated to do good work and meet all of your requirements. If they do not meet your requirements, invoke your 30-day notice and go back to doing it yourself.

Ultimately, when it comes to debt collection automated vs phone calls, automated processes such as dialer campaigns and artificial intelligence can be very helpful tools if used in conjunction with real, live-bodied collection calls.

About PCM Corp

We can help you get paid faster by providing:

  • Qualified candidates for your open positions
  • Or a team of in-house contract credit professionals
  • Or a hybrid of the two where we place our staff at your office location to do the work using your systems with PCM Corp responsible for the management of the role and monitoring key indicators.

If you still have questions about debt collection automated vs phone calls, or to learn more about PCM Corp, please call toll-free at 1-866-266-0117 or send us an email.


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